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Lesson of the Week

For the past few months, we've been talking about teams and what it means to be a part of God's team; his army. When you are a part of a church, you become a part of a large team for God.

Focus verses:

Two people are better than one. They get more done by working together. If one person fails, the other can help him up. But it is bad for the person who is alone when he fails. No one is there to help him. -Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 ICB

Bible Story

Here is a story about four friends that became a team to bring someone to Jesus!


Do you know who shows us how to do teamwork better than anyone else? God! When Jesus prayed, he asked God the Father to have things on earth be like it is in heaven. When we work together, we copy what heaven looks like. Let's sing this song together. It's called the Lord's Prayer!


I may never march in the infantry

Ride in the cavalry

Shoot the artillery

I may never shoot for the enemy

But I'm in the Lord's army!

I'm in the Lord's army!

I'm in the Lord's army!

I may never march in the infantry

Ride in the cavalry

Shoot the artillery

I may never shoot for the enemy

But I'm in the Lord's army!


This week we're going to have only one assignment. The assignment is to find two ways that you can be a part of God's team at your church! Don't forget kids, keep good thoughts as you work together!